Bitwise operators in Python (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, SHIFT)

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Python provides the bitwise operators, &(AND), |(OR), ^(XOR), ~(NOT, invert), <<(LEFT SHIFT), >>(RIGHT SHIFT).

For more information about converting binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbers and strings using bin(), oct(), hex(), and format(), see the following articles.

See the following article on how to count the number of 1s in binary representation for integer int.

For Boolean operations on bool types (True, False) instead of bitwise operations, see the following article. Use and and or instead of & and |.

Inputs and outputs for AND, OR, and XOR

The inputs and outputs for each bit of AND, OR, and XOR are as follows.

Input 1 Input 2 AND OR XOR
1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0

Bitwise AND: &

Bitwise AND with the & operator:

x = 12  # 0b1100
y = 10  # 0b1010

print(x & y)
print(bin(x & y))
# 8
# 0b1000

Bitwise OR: |

Bitwise OR with the | operator:

x = 12  # 0b1100
y = 10  # 0b1010

print(x | y)
print(bin(x | y))
# 14
# 0b1110

Bitwise XOR: ^

Bitwise XOR with the ^ operator:

x = 12  # 0b1100
y = 10  # 0b1010

print(x ^ y)
print(bin(x ^ y))
# 6
# 0b110

Bitwise operations with negative integers

Bitwise operations on negative integers are handled as if the values were expressed in two's complement.

Note that converting a negative integer to a binary string using bin() or format() results in a minus sign rather than the two's complement format.

x = -9

# -9
# -0b1001

To get a string expressed in two's complement representation, perform the bitwise AND & with the maximum number of digits required. For example, use 0b1111 (= 0xF) for 4-bit, 0xFF for 8-bit, and 0xFFFF for 16-bit.

print(bin(x & 0xFF))
print(format(x & 0xFF, 'b'))
# 0b11110111
# 11110111

Keep in mind that leading zeros are omitted unless zero-padding is specified.

print(bin(x & 0b1111))
print(format(x & 0b1111, 'b'))
# 0b111
# 111

print(format(x & 0b1111, '#06b'))
print(format(x & 0b1111, '04b'))
# 0b0111
# 0111

Bitwise NOT, invert: ~

The ~ operator yields the bitwise inversion. The bitwise inversion of x is defined as -(x+1).

If the input value x is regarded as two's complement and all bits are inverted, the result is equivalent to -(x+1).

Converting ~x to a string does not yield a string with the bits of the original value inverted.

x = 9  # 0b1001

# -10
# -0b1010

By applying the AND operation to create a string in two's complement representation, you can obtain a string with the inverted bits. For example, to get a 4-digit bit inverted string, specify '04b' with format() and pad it with zeros.

print(bin(~x & 0xFF))
print(format(~x & 0b1111, '04b'))
# 0b11110110
# 0110

Bit shifts: <<, >>

Left shift and right shift with operators <<, >>:

x = 9  # 0b1001

print(x << 1)
print(bin(x << 1))
# 18
# 0b10010

print(x >> 1)
print(bin(x >> 1))
# 4
# 0b100

For negative values, the sign bit is extended and shifted, and negative values are treated as having an infinite number of ones on the left side.

x = -9
print(bin(x & 0xFF))
# -0b1001
# 0b11110111

print(x << 1)
print(bin(x << 1))
print(bin((x << 1) & 0xFF))
# -18
# -0b10010
# 0b11101110

print(x >> 1)
print(bin(x >> 1))
print(bin((x >> 1) & 0xFF))
# -5
# -0b101
# 0b11111011

Understanding bit shifts for negative values as numerical values can be challenging; it's more intuitive to consider them as two's complement strings.

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