Check pandas version: pd.show_versions

Modified: | Tags: Python, pandas

This article explains how to check the pandas version used in Python (.py) or Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb).

Refer to the following article to learn how to check the version of pandas installed in your environment using the pip command.

Check pandas version: the __version__ attribute

Like many other packages, you can get the pandas version using the __version__ attribute.

import pandas as pd

# 2.0.1

The pd.show_versions() function outputs detailed information, including the version of Python, dependent packages, and OS type.

# ------------------
# commit           : 37ea63d540fd27274cad6585082c91b1283f963d
# python           :
# python-bits      : 64
# OS               : Darwin
# OS-release       : 22.4.0
# Version          : Darwin Kernel Version 22.4.0: Mon Mar  6 21:01:02 PST 2023; root:xnu-8796.101.5~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T8112
# machine          : arm64
# processor        : arm
# byteorder        : little
# LC_ALL           : None
# LANG             : ja_JP.UTF-8
# LOCALE           : ja_JP.UTF-8
# pandas           : 2.0.1
# numpy            : 1.24.3
# pytz             : 2022.7.1
# dateutil         : 2.8.2
# setuptools       : 67.6.1
# pip              : 23.1.2
# Cython           : None
# pytest           : None
# hypothesis       : None
# sphinx           : None
# blosc            : None
# feather          : None
# xlsxwriter       : None
# lxml.etree       : 4.9.2
# html5lib         : None
# pymysql          : None
# psycopg2         : None
# jinja2           : 3.1.2
# IPython          : 8.13.1
# pandas_datareader: None
# bs4              : 4.11.2
# bottleneck       : None
# brotli           : None
# fastparquet      : None
# fsspec           : None
# gcsfs            : None
# matplotlib       : None
# numba            : None
# numexpr          : None
# odfpy            : None
# openpyxl         : None
# pandas_gbq       : None
# pyarrow          : None
# pyreadstat       : None
# pyxlsb           : None
# s3fs             : None
# scipy            : None
# snappy           : None
# sqlalchemy       : None
# tables           : None
# tabulate         : None
# xarray           : None
# xlrd             : None
# zstandard        : None
# tzdata           : 2023.3
# qtpy             : None
# pyqt5            : None

When reporting bugs, you should provide the output of pd.show_versions().

Output in JSON format and save as a file

Passing True as an argument to pd.show_versions() will output the result in JSON format.

# {
#   "system": {
#     "commit": "37ea63d540fd27274cad6585082c91b1283f963d",
#     "python": "",
#     "python-bits": 64,
#     "OS": "Darwin",
#     "OS-release": "22.4.0",
#     "Version": "Darwin Kernel Version 22.4.0: Mon Mar  6 21:01:02 PST 2023; root:xnu-8796.101.5~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T8112",
#     "machine": "arm64",
#     "processor": "arm",
#     "byteorder": "little",
#     "LC_ALL": null,
#     "LANG": "ja_JP.UTF-8",
#     "LOCALE": {
#       "language-code": "ja_JP",
#       "encoding": "UTF-8"
#     }
#   },
#   "dependencies": {
#     "pandas": "2.0.1",
#     "numpy": "1.24.3",
#     "pytz": "2022.7.1",
#     "dateutil": "2.8.2",
#     "setuptools": "67.6.1",
#     "pip": "23.1.2",
#     "Cython": null,
#     "pytest": null,
#     "hypothesis": null,
#     "sphinx": null,
#     "blosc": null,
#     "feather": null,
#     "xlsxwriter": null,
#     "lxml.etree": "4.9.2",
#     "html5lib": null,
#     "pymysql": null,
#     "psycopg2": null,
#     "jinja2": "3.1.2",
#     "IPython": "8.13.1",
#     "pandas_datareader": null,
#     "bs4": "4.11.2",
#     "bottleneck": null,
#     "brotli": null,
#     "fastparquet": null,
#     "fsspec": null,
#     "gcsfs": null,
#     "matplotlib": null,
#     "numba": null,
#     "numexpr": null,
#     "odfpy": null,
#     "openpyxl": null,
#     "pandas_gbq": null,
#     "pyarrow": null,
#     "pyreadstat": null,
#     "pyxlsb": null,
#     "s3fs": null,
#     "scipy": null,
#     "snappy": null,
#     "sqlalchemy": null,
#     "tables": null,
#     "tabulate": null,
#     "xarray": null,
#     "xlrd": null,
#     "zstandard": null,
#     "tzdata": "2023.3",
#     "qtpy": null,
#     "pyqt5": null
#   }
# }

If you pass a path string, the results in JSON format will be saved to the specified path.


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