Check NumPy version: np.version

Modified: | Tags: Python, NumPy

This article explains how to check the NumPy version used in Python (.py) or Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb).

Refer to the following article to learn how to check the version of NumPy installed in your environment using the pip command.

Check NumPy version: the __version__ attribute

Like many other packages, you can get the NumPy version using the __version__ attribute.

import numpy as np

# 1.24.3

Get detailed NumPy version information: np.version

Detailed information about the NumPy version, such as the Git revision and whether it's a release version, can be obtained from the np.version module.

# <module 'numpy.version' from '/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/'>

# 1.24.3

# 1.24.3

# 1.24.3

# 14bb214bca49b167abc375fa873466a811e62102

# True

In the above example, version, short_version, and full_version all have the same value. However, if it is not a release version, additional information is added to version and full_version.

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